[Copybook 3. Glasnevin National School]

[Copybook 3. Glasnevin National School]


IIIF drag and drop link

[Copybook 35. St. Brigids National School, Palmerstown]

[Copybook 35. St. Brigids National School, Palmerstown]


IIIF drag and drop link

[Copybook 4. Glasnevin National School]

[Copybook 4. Glasnevin National School]


IIIF drag and drop link



recorded sound



recorded sound

Folklore Schools Games

The project seeks to build on the earlier work of the Irish Folklore Commission in collecting the Schools’ Survey in 1937-38.


[Football rounders]

[Football rounders]

recorded sound

Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive (Collection)

The Irish Virtual Research Library and Archive (IVRLA) is a digitisation project launched in UCD in January 2005. The project was conceived as a means to increase and facilitate access to UCD’s cultural heritage repositories through the adoption of digitisation technologies.




recorded sound